Donegal Tweed Brown Waistcoat - Hatman


A clas­sic tweed vest that can be worn both as a stand­alone item and with a jacket.

The face is made of herringbone Done­gal tweed. The back and the lin­ing are made of the light satin vis­cose

There is a half-belt on the back, with a spe­cial reg­u­la­tor al­low­ing to ide­ally ad­just­ing the vest to one’s fig­ure. There are neat slit shal­low pock­ets there, and a small feather is sewn near one, the Hatman of Ireland brand logo.

Five but­tons are made by means of the tra­di­tional British tech­nol­ogy, when a metal foun­da­tion is wrapped in in­ter­wo­ven leather straps. From the out­side, they look like leather soc­cer balls of the first half of the 20th cen­tury, so they are called “ball but­tons”.